Exhibitions > Archive

  • Der Schriftzug


    Narrative Silence

    Is silence the same as stillness and the absence of words, or is there more to the inaudible?

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  • Auf grünem Untergrund steht: Neuköllner Kunstpreis.


    Neukölln Art Prize 2020

    There is an abundance of high-quality work produced in Neukölln’s vibrant art sce-ne. The Neukölln Art Prize reflects this richness and professionalism with applica-tions from nearly 170 artists working or living in Neukölln. Eight of those applicants have been nominated for the art prize, worth a total of 6000 euros, by a jury of sev-en experts. Their works feature in a group exhibition at Galerie im Saalbau.

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  • Eine Möwe fliegt über ein Feld


    Kati Gausmann – dancing dough and circumstances

    Can the Earth be considered a sculptural body in motion? Artist Kati Gausmann deals with geological processes. She recognises our planet as a material in which structural forces are at work and which is in constant flux.

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  • Eine Frau steht vor einem See in der Wüste


    Franca Wohlt – Fata Morgana

    Franca Wohlt takes the many ways humans shape and transform their environment as a jumping-off point for her photographic work. Three very different series by Wohlt produced over the past ten years document traces left by past and current social visions.

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  • schwarzer Halbkreis übr einem hellen Grundriss


    Saeed Foroghi / Thilo Droste – Think positive!

    The “Think positive!” exhibition by Saeed Foroghi and Thilo Droste is a challenge not just to the spirit, but also to looking. And to being looked at. Pessimism has become part of the artistic program here rather than a signifier of any spiritual failing.

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  • Blick drurch ein Gebäude in den Himmel



    Artistic interventions transform the gallery space to create an imaginary sphere that oscillates between present and future.
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  • Image for City Movement – Of People and Places


    City Movement – Of People and Places

    The works presented in the exhibition ask about freedom and control in public space: Does movement mean freedom or is there an (in) arbitrary choreography, a restriction of urban movement space through repression, structural obstacles, political, social and economic processes? Different artistic approaches show the physical presence in urban space and its aesthetic expression from a variety of perspectives.

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  • Exhibition view


    The chewed object

    By instinctively ingesting material and spiritual food, which is essential for survival, and chewing it, humans internalize and assimilate the outside world. An elaborate transformation process takes place in which new material is broken down and processed.

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  • Ina Wudtke, Pirate Jenny - Saalbau gallery


    Ina Wudtke – Pirate Jenny

    Ina Wudtke takes the 100th anniversary of the German November Revolution as an opportunity to focus on artistic methods of working-class culture.

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  • Image for Claudia von Funcke – The Folded City


    Claudia von Funcke – The Folded City

    After producing work on Cairo and Berlin, Claudia von Funcke imagines in this exhibition a fictional urban development of London, whereby she shows its disruptive totality and constant vibration. With a walk-in video installation, photographs and “spatial folds” in metal and paper, the artist explores new approaches to urbanization and reflects the city as a utopian montage space.

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