Ein offen stehender Brifkasten in dem ein Schlüssel steckt
© Flo Maak

Chelsea Leventhal – Dear Resident,

What kinds of sounds would mailboxes be able to “hear” and absorb in their position between public and private life? What sort of sounds do you think they might reproduce in Chelsea Leventhal’s new installation? Instead of accumulating mail and newspapers, these otherwise quiet envoys of the hallway are acoustically capturing everyday life in a multi-channel composition.

Domestic sounds, everyday sounds that are frequently overheard unfold their auditory power in partially sculptural works and convey vividly, humorously diverse tones. Leventhal’s sound installations combine multi-channel electroacoustic compositions with sculptural approaches and video elements that focus on specific archetypes and experiences of living. Central to the works is the power of the familiar sounds that shape our everyday life and evoke feelings of inclusion, stability, and instability.

Curated by Yolanda Kaddu-Mulindwa
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