T‘ME‘A טמאה
Experiments with menstruation blood, floating stones, and red thread, research on diaspora, purity, holiness, and protected space.
Performance by Adi Liraz during Gallery Weekend Berlin
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Performance by Adi Liraz during Gallery Weekend Berlin
Opening of the exhibition with introduction by the curator
Guided tour through the exhibition with the artists and curators
With the artists Florian Bong-Kil Grosse, Silvia Noronha and Peter Hock
With the artists Friederike Hammann, Katharina Reich and Sarah Wohler
Opening of „Neuköllner Kunstpreis“ on Friday, February 3, 2023, 6 - 10 pm
Closing of the exhibition
A good immigrant always speaks in German, no matter how broken; a bad immigrant only uses another language.
The finissage will be accompanied by a film program on the infrastructure of revival with Rainer Bellenbaum, media scientist.
Short Lectures and Discussion [in German]