View of the exhibition
© Nihad Nino Pusija;


Anna Faroqhi & Haim Peretz in collaboration with Mohammad Stas

The exhibition focuses on contemporary stories of flight and displacement. Refugees’ memories of individual stages of their journey are translated into other narrative forms using video, photography, music, text and drawing, giving the emotional impressions and longings as well as traumatic experiences a new aesthetic form. Various actors take part in this artistic translation process, recreating the escape process by drawing and filming scenes, slipping into the role of the refugee protagonists as speakers or performing the escape story in song form. This artistic transfer reveals new perspectives and details that reveal unexpected facets of the experience of flight.

November 18, 2017 - January 14, 2018 

Participating artists

Exterior view of the gallery during the exhibition opening View of the exhibition Anna Faroqhi and Ruth Rosenfeld watch the video installation Angelika Schneider-von Maydell, left: Installation view with the video works Exhibition view, in the foreground video installations Anna Faroqhi, Andresdenkerinnen - Helene Nathan, Anna Seghers, Hannah Arendt, colour print on canvas, 2017, detail view