taking space is a feminist act explores the transformative power of queer-feminist space-taking.
The exhibition focuses on artistic practices and initiatives that subversively take possession over urban structures, use them as platforms for protest or initiate places for solidary and gatherings. The relevance of visibility plays a central role here - particularly in public space, but also in private and institutional contexts.
Visibility and resonance are essential requirements for a just society and those who are not visible will not be recognized. A diverse artistic scene can contribute to a more open society in which equal opportunities are also communicated through visibility and visualization.
Through its accessibility, public space can play a particularly mediating and dialog-generating role.
taking space is feminist act explores how artistic strategies can contribute to creating temporary or permanent places of exchange and community. The visibility of marginalized perspectives makes a significant contribution to shaping urban space as a place of encounter, resistance and empowerment.
At the interface of scenographic intervention, performance and documentation, themes of violence, unequal power relations and social exclusion are explored.