A burnt garbage container stands in front of a white background
© Mariona Berenguer


In the installation Frohes neues Jahr, the contorted remains of two burnt rubbish containers bear witnessto the raw forces unleashed on New Year’s Eve in Neukölln. Transformed into monochrome objects, they symbolise both an act of defiance and a moment of catharsis.
The concept of redemption is a key element in religious traditions and often achieved through labour, true to the principle of “ora et labora”. The installation Latin Locutions (ora et labora) alludes to this conjunction of faithful dedication and diligence, embedding elements of confessionals, such as kneeling benches and lattice windows, in a structure of building blocks. On the one hand, the installation invites visitors to emulate the act of confession; on the other hand, its open and light structure exposes this intimate moment. Mariona Berenguer thus plays with the human desire for a belief system to hold on to and the fear of finding it empty at its core.

In a poetic and critical manner and through sculptural, textile, graphic, and installative methods, Mariona Berenguer examines the position of (artistic) labour in our society. Today, work no longer serves merely to secure livelihoods and satisfy needs, but acts as a source of self-esteem and selffulfilment. Productivity is considered as a means of redemption from financial debt as well as from spiritual and societal failings. Against this background, REDEMPTION, MAYBE probes the value and belief systems that underpin our work culture and evokes the creative, physical, and expressive forces that come to haunt it.

Text: Lisa Deml

Participating artists

A visitor walks around a burnt trashbin The title of the exhibition and two burnt black Trashbins can be seen A person stands in front of a wall piece woven from neon-orange fabric. Das Bild zeigt im Hintergrund ein Baugerüst und im Vordergrund einen schwazen Fotoprint mit weißen Flecken The artist Mariona Berenguer and other visitors can be seen in the picture View of the gallery with scaffolding Close up of a scaffolding People standing in front of an installation made of scaffolding A sunflower hangs on a scaffolding Two people looking at a burnt black trashbin The picture shows a close-up of melted black plastic Neon-orange weavings hang on a wall Bouquets of flowers can be seen in the window of the gallery, with guests from the opening in the background. Visitors to the opening stand in front of the gallery in the Saalbau