Lena Ader – Wärst du ein Pferd..., 2016,
© Nihad Nino Pusija

Lena Ader - If you were a horse...

Lena Ader transforms feelings, sensations and longings into painting. She creates intimate pictures that speak of a person’s relationship to themselves and to others. The works range thematically between consolation and loss, affection and rejection, tenderness and vulnerability. The motifs are painted realistically, but appear surreal: snail shells sticking to the soles of feet; hands grasping a head like a snake; two barely clothed people carrying each other. In addition to the paintings, objects and installations will also be on display in the gallery in the Saalbau: the fine branches of a lung, or a text sculpture with the sentence: “If you were a horse, I would lean against your flank…”.

February 13 - April 24, 2016

Participating artists

Lena Ader - If you were a horse..., 2016, exhibition view Lena Ader – Wärst du ein Pferd..., 2016, Lena Ader – Wärst du ein Pferd..., 2016, Lena Ader – Wärst du ein Pferd..., 2016, Lena Ader – Wärst du ein Pferd..., 2016, Lena Ader - If you were a horse...,2016 Lena Ader - If you were a horse...,2016 Lena Ader - If you were a horse...,2016 Lena Ader - If you were a horse...,2016 Lena Ader - If you were a horse...,2016 Lena Ader - If you were a horse...,2016 Lena Ader - If you were a horse...,2016 Lena Ader - If you were a horse...,2016 Lena Ader - If you were a horse...,2016