• Critical city tour

Inner Circles / Blackbox Lobbyismus

Lobby-Critical City Tour on the Power of Digital Corporations with LobbyControl

Only a handful of large corporations divide the digital economy among themselves. This concentration of power is dangerous for democracy and our society, because corporations like Google, Amazon and Co. also exploit their economic strength for political purposes and are among the most aggressive lobbying players in Europe and the USA. The dissemination of information and the nature of public debates is strongly influenced by the respective agenda of these corporations, whose power and influence should be limited.

Meeting point is Reichstagsufer 14.

The tour will be held in German.

The number of participants is limited to 15 person. Therefore we ask for registration via email at nina.kraus@bezirksamt-neukoelln.de

Image for Inner Circles / Blackbox Lobbyismus
© Jinran Ha / Judith Weber
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Participating artists